Teaching Guy Harvey

Close to 20 years ago, I dismounted from my pony and knocked on the fresh new doors of a nature center carved out of land clearing in south Florida. I was so grateful for land set aside for leaving nature wild that I offered my services to them to teach (and learn) about nature. I initiated nature/art programs from that time on. This friendship has benefited me, the nature center and the community.


Early this year, DaggerWing Nature Center of Boca Raton, Florida offered me the teaching opportunity to emulate Guy Harvey’s style of painting. The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation selected his “Great Horned Owl”. My school administrators approved and helped me push all the necessary legalities and paperwork quickly. I had only a three week turn-around to present, teach and exhibit the student artwork. Our school’s version of the PTA came to my rescue too: ChiChi, a darling classroom Mom helped me cut out the owl templates outlined in manila paper.

Having been a professional commercial artist in New York City, I was well trained in achieving ridiculous deadlines.  And having walked this shoe-tight deadline,  I wrangled time that does not exist normally out of my county school. Our art class times are, at best, 30 minutes. [Obviously, the county is producing artwork guided by wizards and magicians, as artists often become.]

As soon as Sean Mallee, Naturalist of the DWNC email shot me Guy Harvey’s “Great Horned Owl” image, I made a hand-version enlargement by the grid system with the ratio of 1:2 inches.

My second graders were briefed on the importance of behavior and attention to detail. They all knew of Guy Harvey so this was no abstract rule; they worked their little hearts up. With no time to spare to make a demo for them, I solved my own artwork owl painting at the same time they copied mine. For colors, I premixed ‘designer’ colors into small cups. All was ready.

Having only three 1-hour sessions, the student artists performed proficiently.

Today, the county school district ran the article of our achievement on their front page. Student work is on exhibit until the end of February; February 21 will host a member of Guy Harvey’s Ocean Foundation presenting the original painting of Guy Harvey’s “Great Horned Owl”.

It’s excitement to hoot about. Check out the link.


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