Rock Dove

PetRock-67-09The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is a multi-dimensional worship site. Massive hewn stone, called Jerusalem Stone, make up this remaining wall which was around the ancient Jewish temple. This is more than a former retaining wall. The energy emanating from it is massive. When I first was affected by the energy by the Wall was 1978. It was so powerful an energy charge that it was impossible to NOT burst out in tears.  I understand it’s called the Wailing Wall due to the destruction of the Temple in 27 a.d. but that’s not why I cried.

The energy immerses me both inside me and outside me. It’s a phenomenon that is spiritual, mystical and real.

Some of the most spiritual people I know do not feel that energy. I do. I have been to other mystical energy centers in this world but none have the multi-dimensionalism of the Wall. Do the rocks generate this energy? Not to the touch. The vibrations are so strong I feel them as I come up to the Old City gates.

In my imagination, I think the rock absorbed the energy of the Ark of the Covenant. This isn’t factual but it might stand up in mysticisms. Housing the Spirit of the Almighty wasn’t without ‘leaks’ since the energy of the Spirit can burst through man-made boxes.

The dark dove sitting on the rock is a Rock Dove. It is a common pigeon. It’s position was very photo-friendly. When I returned to Florida, I returned to my Garden. Many pigeon varieties eat my birdfood: Mourning Doves, Eurasian collared Doves, Common Ground Doves, and only on rare occasion, Rock Doves. I can count on 3 fingers how often flocks of Rock Doves have come to my bird feeder.

On the occasion of returning from Jerusalem to my Florida Native Garden, I stood still when a single bird, a dark feathered Rock Dove, flew over my head. There were no others. No flock joined this individual bird. I didn’t see where it flew off to. But it was right over my head when it flew through my Garden. Was it the same Rock Dove as that one I photographed on the Wall? Was it meant to bless me with a greeting?




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