Cat Herding

During a Skype call business meeting last night, I interrupted the call to go out cat herding. The business meeting is where business people get together to discuss strategies in our businesses; this is an important meeting for me.

But while someone was talking about how their business was like cat herding, my roommate’s black cat snuck through the crack opening of my door and ran outside. He is not allowed outside. So I heard my roommate calling him back and I got up to chase him back in. The black cat knew he was in trouble with both of us but he’s a clever one so distracted the course of his capture by attacking my gentle cat. My cat ran all around our yard and the black cat, solid black and muscularly slinky, ran after her. And I ran after them both. When she was on her back and the black cat above her, attacking her, I didn’t ask permission of my hand…I went in to grab him off her. My hand is perforated. But my cat got some space.

She escaped and the black cat ran after her to attack her some more. This is like scenes in the new Jurassic Park movie that I hope to see today…where the T Rex had already starting attacking every creature just for the reptilian cold-blooded joy of “I can!”

My roommate waited on the patio where my cat escaped to and grabbed his black cat and woo’d him.

Woo’d him? I, mother-of-cat-being attacked, did not feel like wooing him. I chased them both into their bedroom and smacked black cat on the nose several times, growling like a mama bear at him “You do NOT attack my cat!”  Yes…the cat  understood my growling even while attacking me back. Yessirre…it was a real rodeo of ferocities happening.

Finding my cat hidden in the furthest corner of under my bed and dragging her out, she was fine. I inspected her thick fur. She is part Maine Coon cat. She is not the size but has the long hair and gentleness. She had no cuts. Momma took the stripes for her.

I went back to my Skype meeting and declared, “Cat herding is part of my business. My house rents rooms out and taking care of their animals is why they stay and I get paid rent.”

My hand looks like a matzoh. It’s just part of the business I’m in.

Check out this video on how cowboys herd cats.


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