With Absolutely Certain Vision

With absolutely certain vision, an idea can manifest. This concept is the spiritual crux of creative invention. For me, my Vision quests must invite the wisdom and guidance of my Higher Power. That’s why I spend time in meditation and prayer. This piece is my meditation. I am coming out of a long period of darkness which moved into a transition and now I’m about to turn towards my goal: my Vision.

How does a person know if it’s a Vision or a Daydream? The answer to that is usually formula: If it manifests, it was a Vision; if staying in fluffy marshmallow cloud form, it’s a daydream.

My process is more like the numbered balls in a bingo-machine. Except that instead of numbers, visual thoughts are stamped on the balls and the one that comes through the slot is usually the one with the most inner agreement of all the other little idea balls. There are of course, some idea balls that just bawl with being brats because they were not selected yet…but that’s another story line to follow.


How much of my Vision do I need to have before it manifests? Thankfully, I haven’t got a clue. And that’s why I carry a Higher Power in my pocket. The mystery of what has previously been unknown to humans has also been unknown to me. What a Visionary Artist does is trust in their process. TRUST in a Higher Power that I’ve tested over the many years is now my tool box can opener.

The meditation comes from one of the 72 Names of G0d. This set is: ayin, resh and yod (if you are reading it from right to left). Together they create the energy of Absolute Certainty. When Yoda told young Luke Skywalker to lift the skycraft from the muck of the swamp and Luke couldn’t, Yoda could. Yoda had Absolute Certainty in understanding how to relax and use the force of life energy.

At the onset of a Vision, the fire of creation needs to ignite the elements. Tapping into a truly great Higher Power pours out liquid oxygen to blow your mind with manifestation.







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