In A Horse’s Eye

A horse has  horizontal pupils. In most horses whose eyes are brown, you hardly notice that they’re different from the circular pupil in humans and dogs. In fact, there are more similarities between the human and dog than the horse and dog. For example, the horse hoof has emerged from the one middle finger toenail. Imagine being a life form walking on the Bird Finger  for all of its life. Instead of being perpetually pissed off, the horse has figured out that it’s the fastest way to flee a freaky situation.

The first veterinarian studies were in the sub-continent of India.

“Indian literature reveals that a veterinary cult existed on the Indian subcontinent as far back as 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. In the post-Vedic period, the teaching of veterinary medicine was included in the curricula of medical schools. There is evidence of the existence of veterinary hospitals and dispensaries under the rule of Chandra Gupta Maurya (300– 298 BC) and King Ashoka (237–232 BC). Veterinarians were called salihotriya, after the famous horse medicine authority Salihotra, in ancient times.” (Global Perspectives of Veterinary Education The History of Veterinary Education in India S. Abdul Rahman)

The great writings of the Greek horse master Xenophon has influenced riders since approximately 400 b.c. His advice is what the movie “the Horse Whisperer”  followed. The hard breaking of a horse is tragically bad for the horse. It whips its spirit. Xenophon taught even cavalry soldiers to gently encourage the big beasts to WANT to give what is asked. When a horse is gentled, and understands what you are asking for, the horse will amaze you with how much  heart it has.

I came from riding the horizontal moving cars called the New York City subway system for over 30 years. On horseback, it took me 20 years to get my butt settled in the saddle. My body was trained to strap hang so my upper body did all the moving. In horseback riding, having a good ‘seat’ means you’re glued down.

Looking into my horse’s eyes is pure affection. Seeing the world through that horizontal eye slit gentles me. The horse whispers back.

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