Trump Cult Trumpeting


NOTE: From Sirce Kwai “There are people in my life that are worth listening to. These are my blog guests. My intent is to share their material. They express their opinion and I illustrate their vision. The content of this blog comes from my friend George who studied Political Science and who keeps his eyes on the news… these are his opinions. I enjoyed his rant. I hope you do too.”

George’s Political Rant on Donald Trump

“It’s going to be so wonderful, so beautiful. I’ll be the greatest military president the world has ever seen. Trust me!” When I listen to Trump, I realize how Hitler came to power. Hitler didn’t promise anything…he just said, “We’ll be great and beautiful and the world will marvel at us. ” And the world did marvel at the Germans in the early 1930’s for a while.  The whole world was plunged into Depression and the Germans were not having a Depression because they built a war economy.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out; Hitler built a bunch of walls to keep the Jews in (Ghettos and Concentration Camps).

If you want a world where you are forced to keep your rapists’ baby full term, vote Republican. If you want a world where women are slammed and body slammed, vote Trump.

Trump’s Mexican Wall  reminds me of a male dangling organ. When in full stature, Trump’s  male organ should reach the top of the wall he’s planning to erect. So expect a 5″ inch high wall.

The supporters of Trump seem to value not knowing answers. They seem to love how he has no actual solutions. And he’s just like them. Neither Trump nor his supporters have any idea about what to do in real life solutions for complex issues.  But he’s got the front hair line and mouth to pontificate slogan rallying. “Well be great…it’s the Mexicans” The old scapegoating technique is working the general public. Promotion of fears is another Hitlarian type technique appealing to the masses. ” I’ll make China do what I want. Believe me”

Cults promote belief without substance and without answers and without true relief.    Is Trump advocating a cult in his name? Cults denounce intelligent precision. Cults use radical forms of bullying and play on fears. So far, Trump is developing a cult of political idiocy.

I remember when we used to value and be amazed by politicians who knew all the stuff we didn’t know…such as what’s going on in the world and who’s who. Now we value politicians steeped in  entertaining the masses. Trump is a superb headliner for his outrageous power-crazed focus on him.

Hitler took elocution lessons to learn to raise his pee-wee voice into the rage spewn hypnotics of the masses. He took acting lessons to learn convincing gesticulation to express himself in power poses. There is documentation in history supporting both these statements. His outrageous expressions lit the masses who felt powerlessness. His highly charged rhetoric convinced the masses of how powerful they were. He rallied the dumbed down tunnel vision of a nation into a war machine to take over the world.

What scares me about Trump is that he is following similar meaningless, trumped up elocutions. That anyone follows him is proof that masses are wanting to hand over their true American power to a possible new world manic.


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