Werewolves in Teachers’ Clothing

Werewolf females charged into my classroom on Tuesday. The surprise attack came through the back door. Both were wearing teacher clothing and pretending to be teachers. But their snarls and spits were dead giveaways that they had eaten the teachers whose clothing they wore.

Before I had time to lament on the death of my two teacher friends, I had to protect myself from them! They tried to assault me as I sit at my computer desk.

I am of the Native American Wolf Clan. I can bark back. And I did. “How DARE you talk to me like that!” I said when they demanded I subjugate myself to serve them. The one wearing the auburn hair of my gentle teacher friend howled at my dare. I know bitches. Werewolf bitches cannot assault a Wolf Clan member if the Wolf Woman dares back. They know we are a powerful Clan.

The other Werewolf bitch was demanding I be flexible and work for them. In a whining howl that sounded like words, came out the plea “it’s for the children”. Ah….the magic enticing phrase “for the children”. Every Wolf Woman is very protective of the children. It is deep in our nature to not only protect but teach our children the environment, the joys of living and being gregarious within our Clan. Not so the Werewolf bitches. They try to enslave and pervert the love of the children into tools of abusing other Wolf women and teachers. Some teachers they even ate.

Our howling and barking so frightened the helpless worker that she ran out of the room. That was a great choice for her own safety. I was left to fend for myself against the two Werewolf bitches. And I preferred it that way. Wolf Women do not attack innocents. But the Werewolf bitches do.

Territorially, the Werewolf bitches were allowed my space at a specific time so I never barked at them for that. But the Wolf Clan knows how to prevent the toxic call and hypnotic chant the Werewolves bitches raise: earplugs.

The following day when one of the Werewolf bitches called to me her chant of sweet sounding poison, I had the earplugs in my great tall ears. The plugs fit in so nicely like padded cotton and snuffed out all toxic poison from entering my ear canals. As long as the Werewolf bitches respect my personal space, I have no need to attack. I cannot choke them or bite their necks off to make them shut up; but I can control what comes into my ears. This is Wolf Woman wisdom.

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