ISIS and Jesus

The Middle East gave birth to both these iconic figures. Looking at them from the perspective of a Native Bronx Shaman, one is a force of chaos and one embodies all chaos turning into sanity.

When I first heard of the ISIS, and their actions showed destruction of civilizations, devoted to blood letting, beheading, fear mongering and fostering devotees of hatred, it was a slap in the face of Isis, the Middle Eastern Goddess.

“Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden, but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers.  Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children.” (

The modern ISIS murders mothers, children, threatens the world and destroys the arts.

Jesus’ original name in Aramaic is Yeshua.  His renown is being the Son of God who came to earthly confining human form to be the sin bearer for humanity. He performed miracles and loved children, mothers, sinners and was himself, an artisan. He was a carpenter.  He called upon the poor and the wealthy to grab onto Him as the Light to produce peace, kindness, compassion and love.

In my travels this summer, I passed through Ataturk Airport and felt the joyful commonality of global multi-cultures. It felt like a United Nations setting. I visited the United Nations many times and enjoyed their duty free shops, their rose gardens and their multi-cultural personnel and visitors.

One woman I sat with during my travels was mourning the death of her mother. She was travelling from the States to Bangladesh where here mother was being buried. Her sorrow touched me and I served her in my Shamanism with compassion and attempts to feed her coffee, fruits, Turkish delights. She touched me with her openness and need.

When Ataturk was bombed, it felt personal to me. The most splendid airport I ever traveled through was a target of chaos. When Bangladesh was attacked, I prayed for my lady friend and her people.

Meeting all sorts of Muslims in the Ataturk Airport, those Daddies devoted to their babies and Mothers pushing strollers in their colorful scarves, do not seem to be the same Muslims as the new ISIS espouses.

I have a hard time equating the two aspects of Islam. Therefore, I have to conclude that the new ISIS is not a religious organization at all. It seems to be devoid of religion. It is a philosophy of hatred, destruction and murder.

There have been many groups calling themselves religious all through history. Aspects of the original Isis in Egypt had misinterpretations causing destruction. Certainly the institutionalized religion of Christianity has had historic bloodshed in its name. But neither Yeshua or the original Isis promoted such actions.

My conclusion is that the modern ISIS is a group of wayward thinking narcissistic men who promote fear. They seem devoid of God’s love.

Prior to my recent travels, I was filled with fear. It took me two weeks of prayer and connecting with my God to realize that trusting in Him would revibrationalize my brain and erase my fears. It worked.

Prayer, trust in God….and in my case, Yeshua, with lots of smatterings from the original Isis concept, created new courage.

Fear tracking, keeping saturated on the news with hatred is not my idea of life. The Bible teaches that we are to focus on what is good, beautiful, what is kind and be there for each other in compassion. Belief turns into knowing that God is Love and desires us all to live abundant lives.

Casting the new ISIS upon God and His powers is my prayer.  Beyond that, I am to create.

I encourage others to focus energy in a likewise manner.



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