Fount of Life

Children stolen by the Nazis from their families in Poland and other European countries are some of the confused souls I’ve found in my research about my roots of confusion. Likewise, their counterparts, the children born to Mothers of the Reich from SS Officer studs, found themselves likewise confused.

Narcissistic regimes, like the Nazi regime, are very active with their menacing ideologies. They had to work fast and hard on the population to establish their new world order. However, their concepts were so base and twisted, the foundation could never be stabilized and the regime fell.

This was the video I reviewed and learned for my first time about these terribly abused children.

I thought I’d never want to revisit that period of time since I’ve lived the horrors of it myself as a later-day victim of the tortures.  But perhaps, I’m one of the few who can understand and actually sympathize with the nasty pathologies handed to these other unwilling victims: the stolen children and the bastard children of the Nazis.

We, as a society, are not cleared of the vibrations set into motion by the Nazis. Looking at our Star Wars sagas, the fight between anal control by the Dark Side vs the Force wherein creatures of all types are represented still tickle our imaginations. These intuitive stories are reminding us we are still in this fight between Light and Dark. (I use the terms “light” and “dark” nervously since I love both light and dark…it’s the cut off from Source of Life and Love that is the Dark in this case.)

I’m looking at comparing our present society’s increasing polarizations. I’m looking at our new president who has the same characteristics of narcissism that I’ve come to know intimately.

Listening to the advice given in the Star Wars sagas that we who are thoughtful persons, who care about ourselves, our planet, our children, are needing to go into proactive positive community building. Networking with likewise communities will build up a protective environment. Fighting the Dark takes intuition, sensitivity and networking of souls bonded in unity for the good of all.



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