Mystical Muse

Being a “mystic” is not hard to define: a mystic is a person who strongly needs to connect to the sense of deity through practices such as contemplation, study, ritual, fellowship. Discovery of truth and truths is essential in this path.

Born a mystic, I grew up with fractured psyches around me. Living in a tenement 6th floor large apartment building in the Bronx along with actual Holocaust survivors, I learned to listen. I heard how cracked in the head these survivors were. Their pain radiated. But they learned to live a new life away from the inconceivable deaths of their families.

What I learned to listen to was their truth and truths. I saw when clarity reached their minds and were able to talk without their body of pain invading to cripple them. They transformed momentarily into bodies of Light.

Moments of Light coursed through these broken psyches. I saw it.

I worked my Mom with that understanding and she amazed me. But when she was broken, her psyche and soul got invaded by energies of Darkness and she used her uncanny perceptions against me. That’s when I engaged my spiritual family into prayer for her. I saw results of lightening up. She was not truly invested in being nasty. She had been broken and broken and broken.  Response to that prayer of love towards her showed manifested by her relaxing back to her real self, not her broken self.

Working with Mom like this, I find myself with others of distracted or fractured psyches. Certainly the young children I serve as a teacher are distracted psyches. Some are actually damaged souls already. They have a support system in our school that works for these children. It’s awesome to see healing in schools.

And there are adults with what seems to me as ‘outstreaming from the ID”. (I’m forming a new word concept here so please allow for futzing.)

People who speak in multi-dimensions tend to outstream from the ID. The truths that fly by are so snippet short that it takes practice and hard listening to catch what’s being said. In former years, these people would be considered the “mad” or the “shaman” in the tribe. Our culture does not sport these titles but the people are still there being that.

Outstreaming ID truths are not always practical to do. What I now know I need to add to my Listening Skills is to soak the truths in salt.



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