Strange Radial Spotted by Fat Lady

Frazetta is one of my painting heros. No one could touch him in texture, lusciousness and bulk. I hated and loved the women he painted. I saw the men as fairly the same brutes except far better laid out on his canvas.

My color streaming in pastels would love to match his lusciousness in oils.

Working as a freelance artist in Manhattan, real posters were presented to me. I saw the original posters painted in oils mostly and some acrylic….huge and sumptious and elegant pieces of true art.

Arguments I’ve had with my Fine Art compatriots over the essential artist value of Commercial vs. Angst Art…I went with Commercial hands on! Dedicated skill for the purpose of communication in visual tools is just a celebration of excellence.

My pieces don’t go there. Mine are meditative mind/color streaming. What I hope to achieve with pastels on sanded paper is that pigment crush. Crushing pigment is like playing with sugar candy in all colors. And I don’t rot my teeth.

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