The Sound of Worship

On Saturdays, I worship. It is my Sabbath and I feel the energies are strong for soaring my hearts into heavenly realms. I found a new vehicle that gives my joys wings: Keith Green’s songs.

He died years ago in a taken-down plane crash. I had never heard of him. My favorite Christian singer is Amy Grant and was listening to her singing “El Shaddai”. Keith Green’s song was next on the computer mix.

His voice took me higher than I’ve been before. He took me through the clouds. I know his voice as my own.

Lately, my studies into the Spheres of Higher Realms has improved by revisiting works of Rudolph Steiner. Born with a natural capacity to see and hear what many do not, I had been stumped and confused for years. Now that I have so many of my growing pains understood and soothed, I can find my Energies and use them for the greater good: healings, encouragements, awareness certainties, art and creativity. Fellowship has been lacking because my ride of the Spheres has few companions riders. And I’m too tired to go anywhere by car on the weekend.

Finding a fellow Sphere Rider in Keith Green’s voice and heart and song was a joy to my worshipping God this Saturday morning.

How does a Voice do that? I’ll give only some ideas because I doubt I’ve got all the answers:

his voice has a sense of ‘home’…very soothing and comfortable

his voice comes from what seems to be his very soul but with the rises in scales, shoots straight up like a rocket through the clouds…blossoming and bellowing the plumes of soft-powered ascensions though audible sounds.

his voice includes us all…he has a ‘come hither’ quality to it…he gives the invitation to rise with him.

He had no fear of fundamentalism. His Fundamentalism was like mine: structured but it housed the Spirit that connects clay to the clouds.

Keith Green shared his spirituality which is a Bible based, born-again realm, similar to that of Amy Grant and Kenny Loggins. Many of my friends feared I was locking myself into a self-banishing, hateful realm. But that’s when I knew they didn’t see in it what I saw: everything full of the most powerful love that it transformed me and those around me. It was the structure of Hope and eventually, brick by brick, became the House of Joy. Keith took me on his joy ride in my worship with him on a Sabbath Saturday morning.





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