A Baby Me

To all my friends and families too…this is for you. Mostly, now that I am Grandma, and the baby has my senses, I need to ‘come out’….I’m not in the closet because my closets are too packed with art supplies I haven’t started using yet. It’s nothing secret but it’s just been hard to describe to people who don’t have the same field of study and hence, vocabulary and concept movement.

But in my position as Children Greeter, I am finding the newer generations of souls coming in more Awake then those of previous generations. With the advent of computer dependency, we have rewired our brains. Genetic proof shows such changes are real and can be genetically handed down.

The children I teach have so much awakeness and full of love so I have a good time at work. They all know I’m a Mermaid.

Which brings me to my past: was I born a Mermaid? the answer is Yes. This is the secret I’ve been not sharing with too many. First graders only. But as they grew, they required proof. Well….they have seen me eating toasted seaweed. They demanded I share it with them during their 5th Grade FCAT test a few years back. They ate up my snack! I had to bring more and for myself the following testing day.

Do Mermaids have ‘magic’? Yes…but not in the way people think of with witches. There are no ‘spells’ or incantations. It’s mostly prayer to God without disconnection. Mermaids know we don’t govern the universe…we’re pretty happy in our little cove of colors. So we don’t have to know everything or be a goddess or witch to produce miracles. We just ask God who “loves the wholehearted in their ways and are His delight” (Proverbs 11:20b). And if you ask me if God has a sense of humor, my response to you is, “Ever see a crab walk?” Who in his right mind would do such a thing to a creature!

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