The Dog Won

Momentary thunder at the beach caused most life forms to run for cover. Where does a Mermaid go? Hmmm….ah…to a nearby pool. The black dog was part Lab. Heavy, dense coat rather than the sleek shiny Labrador pedigree brand but Continue Reading …

Summer Fruit

Watercolors and touches of pastel on Arches Watercolor paper. Summer fruit: nectarines and black plums ripening in a bowl.

Prussian Blue

Prussian Blue is an Old World blue. It predates the modern Phthalo blue with similar coloring properties. In watercolor, the Winsor Blue (Winsor & Newton Colors) is a modern chemical version of the old, early industrial European color byproduct. From: Continue Reading …

Elmer Gantry God

Key ’73 was the Christian Revivalist Fishing to Save Souls Movement that caught me.  I was not at all interested in becoming a Christian. In fact, I saw Christianity as “Elmer Gantry“ism.  To me, as a stanch feminist, it was Continue Reading …

Sky Swift

An Ansel Adams study resulted in this watercolor painting of the sky. From the collection of his work, I came away with realizing he took his camera to fix true grandiosity. Mostly mountains or deep woods or details within those Continue Reading …

Sea Vase

The female figure has been the archetype for grace in form. Sitting on south Florida beaches, one does not often find a female that inspires grace in paintings. I’m not being harsh on the women at the beach: I’m delighted Continue Reading …