January 2019 Landscape

It “ain’t heavy; it’s my watercolor.” Florida fresh water canals are many colors. Closer to the ocean, this one has more aqua colors…more pale blue greens. Florida floral landscape often burst off the reds. Sometimes these are native Floridian plants. Continue Reading …

Artist’s Line

I was addicted to LINE since I was about 5 years old. Dragging pencil line across rougher art paper is a sensual drag. It was the pleasure of friction.  I felt this very young. I always imagined that my veins Continue Reading …

A Baby Me

To all my friends and families too…this is for you. Mostly, now that I am Grandma, and the baby has my senses, I need to ‘come out’….I’m not in the closet because my closets are too packed with art supplies Continue Reading …

In A Horse’s Eye

A horse has  horizontal pupils. In most horses whose eyes are brown, you hardly notice that they’re different from the circular pupil in humans and dogs. In fact, there are more similarities between the human and dog than the horse Continue Reading …