“There Be Whales Here!”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CM8tTG9Yig “There Be Whales Here” From Star Trek’s “Voyage Home”

The Whale is my Native American Medicine card pulled during meditational inquiry: “What do I focus on in my new life?”

The recent birth of my grandchild, Kara, is the beginning of my new life also.

In review of my old life: My second life emerged when I became a parent. As a parent, I am satisfied with my son’s choices in life. It’s been my joyful experiment to see what happens to a child when the adult parent is no longer bent on correction through discipline. My choices now are to bless and augment his life by memories of how he was loved by both parents. Now are the days when I can and do remind him of how wonderful a child and man he is. Hoping this frees his soul from all FOO. Family of Origin or FOO http://www.strongbonds.jss.org.au/workers/professional/origin.html is where many people find their inhibiting shadows which can affect present-day decisions. In my son’s life, I am one of the parties in his FOO. I remember the blames, the guilts, snafus and some mistakes. As I approach this new direction with wisdom gusto,  I am forced to resee and reevaluate my old perspectives.  Now I get to choose from more thoughtfulness.

I have raised what I consider to be a “man”. How do I see this? I see the relationship he chose to marry. She’s amazing, she’s strong and she’s a grown-up who has great love to share. I hardly know her but I trusted my son choice’s was for himself. I was glad it was not from some hidden FOO directive to have to please me. Seeing he set up his life for love and success DOES please me.

Their love produced Kara.

Why “Whales”? Only last summer, I became aware I was an Empath. I’ve always had psychic gifts but they were not supported in my Family of Origin. It was a hard win to announce this to the world and start learning what this all means to me. The Gifts really became clearer when I opened to God through Biblical Scripture and visited churches that exhibited ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit”. I saw other gifts in other places of worship but these were specific and the formula worked as the Bible said. These gifts are for the community as well as for myself…as is typical for the way I see God work.

The Whale, in Native American Medicine is the “swimming library ….Whale medicine people are coded in their DNA….for clairaudience, are psychically developed and telepathic. Many times, they are not awakened to their gifts until it is time to use the stored records. Many Whale people are able to tap into the universal mind of the Great Spirit, and have no idea how or why they know what they knew. Only later, when they have received confirmation, do they begin to understand how they know or why they received the impressions.” [pgs 200, 201, 201..”Whale-Record Keeper- Medicine Cards]. My life up until this summer has been in the cause of relieving myself of great pain, great confusion and becoming solvent and healthy. I have become solvent, on the path to health, my griefs are being healed and my confusions are unravelling.

I know I’m a Sensitive so people who are infusing their negativities on me are no longer allowed in my company.

DNA persons are included in that list. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmS4aoQeK0k).  And it makes sense. I don’t have to fight those demons anymore; I need to create from the space that now is getting emptying. I have found my new path:

Painting and illustrating and calligraphy and sewing from all the wisdoms I’ve collected in my long years (365) of being a mermaid. Mother Whale is opening up my stores.


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